Monday, September 17, 2012

Soccer Star

Nate played in his very first soccer game ever on September 8, 2012. It didn't go all that well. He kicks butt at practice with all the drills, but he was a little apprehensive about getting in there during the game. He tended to stick around the back and edge of the group.
 It didn't help that it was a million degrees at 1 pm with no shade anywhere to be found.
Fast forward to September 15 and Nate was the team super star! I told Coach Aneel (his coach from his past Saturday morning soccer sessions) about some problem areas he was having and he invited him over and went over the game rules and procedures on paper with him for 45 minutes. That made all the difference in the world!
After the game the coaches and parents were so nice and coming up to me asking, "So Nate Dogg is your son?" and "Nate has such a mental grasp of the game." and "Nate has some excellent footwork." He got in there and took the ball away and turned it around, dribbling down the field. You can imagine how proud I was.
It was so cute to hear coaches and fans cheering on Nate Dogg at the game today. They said you could put any name you want on their jersey, so I did and he loved it! Go Nate Dogg!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beach Playground

I had to pick up a 5k race packet from the Crab Trap in Destin one Friday night so the kids decided they would like to go play on the playground while we were there.
 Nate is still very much into playing on playgrounds.
 He also likes for me to take pictures of him jumping off of stuff.
 My sweet babies.
 Nate told me his favorite part of school is recess. He also likes math, minus subtraction.
 He doesn't have a whole lot of fear anymore these days.
 Poor Kathryn was so tired she was wandering around like a zombie.
 Another sweet brother/sister picture.
 All three.
 Making sand angels in the sand.
 Then she almost passed out from exhaustion.
 Little monkey climber.
 Jumping again.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Go Vols!!!

Today is a major football day down here in Florida. Tennessee plays Florida at Neyland Stadium so we have to win. I am proudly flying my Tennessee flag in the front yard so we better win. I hate to get my hopes up, but I actually think Tennessee might be good this year.

Uncle Joe and fam came over today. Of course, they all had their matching orange shirts on. So naturally, we all put orange shirts on too. I felt it was my Meissnerly duty to take a picture since everyone was dressed the same!

We grilled out and hung out and let the cutest little Vols play together.
The four of them gathered around the Smurfs.
Allison had to be right there in the middle of everything that went on with these kids.
The look on Kathryn's face says it all. She's wishing Allison could go back to being a helpless little baby that stayed in one spot and didn't take her toys.
 Jessica working hard on the computer.
Nate introduced Jessica to Hootie, his classroom stuffed owl. I'll explain more in another post.
Look at all that orange!
They had so much fun together today.
 Baby on a bean bag.
Major news alert... Jessica likes high heels now.
Another major news alert... Kathryn actually willingly shared her high heels with Jessica. Maybe there is hope after all!
They went downstairs to show their daddies.
We'll have to find some heels for this little one now!
And the reason for the visit... Uncle Joe took his Mustang back. So long Mustang! Thanks for letting us borrow it to make Nate look cool in the pre-k pick-up and drop-off line!

Kindergarten Update

Kindergarten and preschool are certainly keeping us busy. Add soccer to that and everything else in life and it makes blogging hard. I'm here to catch up on what life has been like over the past few weeks.

Kindergarten has been going smoothly so far. Kathryn and I have even met Nate at school for lunch a couple of times so far. Let me just put this out there in case "anyone" gets any ideas to join him at school...I'm the only one invited and approved by him.
Here he is with his buddy, Adler. A new friend this year.
We went up there one other day too. Kathryn loves it (and so do I).
Pulling up to the drop off ramp at school.
 We knew it would be a good day at school when we saw this rainbow in the sky.
Kindergarten is no joke. He has homework every night.

Unfortunately, he already had a sick day. He came down with a fever Tuesday night so he skipped school Wednesday. Laying around playing 3DS and Wii really seemed to help.
 Back in tip top health.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

Lucky for us Hurricane Isaac decided to take a turn west. In anticipation of bad weather we were let out of school one day though. It was one beautiful day that we went down to the bay for a swim. It wasn't quite so nice along the Gulf Coast.
You can't tell from the picture, but these were the biggest waves I have ever seen. Not that I've ever been around any other hurricane type weather, but take my word for it. These were big waves!
My favorite part about the storm was snuggling with my kiddos on the couch. That's one of our favorite pastimes.

Exercise Walking

Since Nate spends every day, all day in school, Kathryn and I get to spend some one on one time together. We take walks down to the marina. She calls these "exercise walks." It's so much fun to walk and talk with her about everything that crosses her mind. We are having a lot of good girl time together.

Not only does Kathryn "exercise walk" but she also "exercise runs." Unfortunately, she watches me run and has picked up on my girly style. I could watch her run all day long it's so funny.