Paw-Paw and Nate have managed to take a national park trip together every year since 2008. Their trip for 2013 was to the Everglades in Florida. Kathryn and I joined in on this trip. We're not about to pass up a trip to Miami! Parked the car, now we're on our way to the airport!
We were lucky to have even been able to take this picture. We just made the flight. After waiting in the slowest security checkpoint line ever, I grabbed Kathryn and told Nate to book it to our gate. We left Paw-Paw behind to finish getting his stuff together. We made it there just as they were closing the doors. The gate agent was telling me I didn't have time to wait for Paw-Paw to catch up. Nate was in panic mode. I finally caught a glimpse of Paw-Paw rushing down to the gate and Nate and I were standing there yelling, "Run Paw-Paw! Run Dad!" Most stressful airport experience ever. As I was still sweaty from running and carrying the kids and my luggage and, not to mention Kathryn too, the kids settled in nicely for the flight ahead. That will definitely be a part of the trip Paw-Paw and I will never forget.
There it is #6!
Lazy boy.
Paw-Paw with his travel buddies.
It was around here that I thought I saw an alligator. Just the mention of that made Nate take off running without looking back. He was all the way down the path headed for the visitor center before I even realized it. He was determined that he wasn't going to be dinner. He didn't think about the rest of us, he just knew it wasn't going to be him!
We bought a variety of fruits to try. If you ever see pears that supposedly taste exactly like chocolate pudding, don't try them. That was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten. The starfruit was okay though.
We were lucky to have even been able to take this picture. We just made the flight. After waiting in the slowest security checkpoint line ever, I grabbed Kathryn and told Nate to book it to our gate. We left Paw-Paw behind to finish getting his stuff together. We made it there just as they were closing the doors. The gate agent was telling me I didn't have time to wait for Paw-Paw to catch up. Nate was in panic mode. I finally caught a glimpse of Paw-Paw rushing down to the gate and Nate and I were standing there yelling, "Run Paw-Paw! Run Dad!" Most stressful airport experience ever. As I was still sweaty from running and carrying the kids and my luggage and, not to mention Kathryn too, the kids settled in nicely for the flight ahead. That will definitely be a part of the trip Paw-Paw and I will never forget.
We arrived in Miami!
Flashy in her Fendi shades.There it is #6!
We realized there are black panthers down there. Yikes!
Checking out the visitor center.
One of the highlights of the Everglades-sitting on a bench drinking Sprites.
Then chugging it in the grass. An alligator could have creeped up behind her, but she wouldn't care because she was busy drinking her Sprite.Lazy boy.
Paw-Paw with his travel buddies.
It was around here that I thought I saw an alligator. Just the mention of that made Nate take off running without looking back. He was all the way down the path headed for the visitor center before I even realized it. He was determined that he wasn't going to be dinner. He didn't think about the rest of us, he just knew it wasn't going to be him!
We stopped at a farmers market after the Everglades. Nate and Kate ate some gator jerky.
We ate some of the juiciest fruit we've had in a long time. Nate and Kate love, love, love strawberries.We bought a variety of fruits to try. If you ever see pears that supposedly taste exactly like chocolate pudding, don't try them. That was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten. The starfruit was okay though.