Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Snow, Snow Go Away

After being cooped up in the house due to the weather for the past few days, I decided that despite the cold temp today, Nathan needed some time outside. He was very thankful for it.
Nathan shares my opinion of snow. I know people probably think I brainwashed him into sharing my feelings, but that's not true at all. I actually tried to make Nathan like snow. He formed his own correct opinion. What can I say, he knows what sucks and what doesn't. He likes stepping in it a little bit and building snow balls, but as far as throwing his whole body into it, he'll pass on that.
He got a little brave and ventured off the shoveled path. He got stuck and hated it.
Nathan worked up quite the appetite running up and down the block, so we went to McDonald's for lunch. I couldn't bring myself to heat up one more can of Dinty Moore beef stew, which is currently the only thing he wants to eat at home. He sees the can and asks for "bif stewww" no matter what time of day it is. I kind of feel bad about feeding that to him because I think that maybe a long time ago there was a mix-up in a grocery store and some store clerk put the Dinty Moore beef stew on the human food aisle instead of the dog food aisle, and people bought it and ate it. Dinty Moore realized that they could market their product to both humans and dogs and really cash in. Who cares though, Nathan likes it and it's easy.
Here is a picture of Nathan gathering all of his necessities for the long five minute road trip we took to Sam's. He brings however many cars he can carry every time he goes anywhere. How do you like the snow boots with "night-nights" ensemble?
We stocked up on our usual strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. He's on a blueberry hiatus at the moment. Nathan eats his weight in berries every day. Just think of how much money we would save if we just fed him chewy fruit snacks like most kids eat.
At last, passed out in his big boy bed. Maybe one of these days we'll get the redecoration project underway. We're waiting on the weather to cooperate so that Steve can replace the baseboard in his room and take the crib out to storage. Until then, Nathan's room will remain quite cozy. He doesn't seem to mind though. Steve and I apparently don't mind either, considering we lie down with him at night and fall asleep before he does half of the time. We are all loving this big boy bed.
This is funny. As everyone already knows, Rapid City is total class. I drove by our neighborhood dry cleaner and couldn't resist taking a picture of the sign. It was too funny not to share.

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