Nathan shocked me by his drawing skills yesterday. His drawings convey a very clear picture of what life is like in his household. I wonder how long it takes for the school to set up an investigation into his home life once he starts drawing pictures at school.
I always ask him to explain the picture to me, without putting any ideas in his head. As he was drawing this one he explained what he was drawing. I wasn't expecting this one. "This is a picture of Daddy holding a bottle of beer to is mouth with drips coming down. He's spilling it." Nathan's school teacher translation: "Nathan's Daddy is a sloppy drunk."
The figure in the top left corner is a picture of me. It's a picture of me getting mad yesterday. (It looks like a smile, but it's actually me getting mad.) Then the rest of the people are Mr. Norm, Ms. Shelly and Reagan.To continue on with calling out Steve on his little "quirks" that drive us all nuts, Nathan drew a picture of him carrying trash around in both hands. To make sure Daddy didn't get in trouble Nathan immediately looked at me and said Daddy wasn't going to leave the trash around the house though. He was going to throw that trash away. There you have it. Nathan picks up on me yelling at Steve to throw his trash away instead of leaving it all over the house. I guess he's not called Pigpen for nothing.
That's a picture of me today. I'm happy today because Nathan and I came to an agreement yesterday that he wasn't going to be mean and bossy and rude anymore. He drew the mad picture yesterday because I yelled at him in the car because he asked for a CapriSun, but I told him I couldn't get him one because they were in the bag in the backseat (and I was driving). He proceeded to tell me he wanted one NOW. I'll admit, I was well-deserving of that mad face drawing yesterday!
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