Sunday, November 4, 2012

More Mack

Kathryn is such a good little Mommy to Little Mack.
She dances for him and he just sits contently in the shopping cart.
Everything is a toy.
Jumping on his sister. Don't tell Kathryn she's Mack's sister or else she'll get mad. She swears she's his mommy.
In one of his crazy moods.
 He can't resist stealing socks. He especially likes to play this game when we're in a hurry.
Little Mack fits right in here. He has a great big Haggerty head too. He looks like he might be right up there with Nathan.
This picture is just to show off Kathryn's "new" pajama pants. She loves wearing Nate's raggedy old clothes.

1 comment:

  1. Kathryn is such a good mommy to Little Mack. She can't forget Mace, though.
