Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kathryn Moments

Here are some clips of Kathryn being Kathryn.
As she was making these she was saying, "These are yummy to my belly." 
Little Mack is nuts.

Kathryn singing "Away in a Manger." It's her favorite song ever.
She sings all the time. She was in the bathroom with the door shut singing her little heart out. I don't know what she was singing, but she was definitely singing.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Kathryn hasn't been to Tennessee in a while so I figured it was time to take her back and show her off a little. We started off with a visit to my old friend Amanda's house. From there we went to Gatlinburg to visit the Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies. Here she is with Amanda's daughter, Cicily.
 As soon as she sees a camera she starts acting crazy.
 Finally a normal picture.
 Petting the something or others.
The playground was their favorite part.
 Then we went to Seymour to visit the Luttrells. Here's Kathryn playing her ipad with Parker.
 This is how kids play together these days, I guess.
 Taking a rest.
 Moving on to play with some real toys.
 Kathryn put on a pretty good show for Teresa. She thinks Kathryn is something special.
Parker had to get in on the picture. He can't let Kathryn get all his grandma's attention!
I couldn't drive through Knoxville with Kathryn without getting a picture of her with my alma mater.
She said she's going to go to college here too. I hope not. I want her to go to the community college here in Niceville and live at home. For some reason I don't think that's going to happen though.
 My baby girl and me in Tennessee.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

More Georgia

Kathryn was so excited to show off her puppy to Great Grandma Gerken so we took Little Mack with us to her apartment. I was so surprised to see Grandma willing to hold Mack for a picture. She even looked like she liked holding him for a minute.
 Then I kept snapping pictures and the truth showed up on her face!
 Kathryn showed off her fingernails from her mani and pedi we had done together earlier that day.
Mack and me with Grandma. You can barely see him against my dark sweater. Just look for the glowing eyes. (And, my new hairdo from my hair donation to Locks of Love.)
Lady's girl, but look at Little Mack standing up in the background. He's crazy.
Showing off his new clearance sweater.
 Mack and Mommy.
 Me with my loves of my life on my 8th wedding anniversary!
It's funny to see the things that are toys at grandparents' houses. A blood pressure machine was the most played with item during the entire visit. She kept checking us because she said we had colds. That's why she thought Paw-Paw was in the hospital a couple of months ago.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Road Trip to Georgia

Since Steve planned a trip back to Minnesota after Christmas for him and Nate (I already put my time in this year), I decided to take Kathryn up to Georgia and Tennessee for a few days. We all left on Christmas day, including Paw-Paw and Lady to head back home so Kathryn rode up with them. We stopped in Montgomery, down the road from our old home sweet home, at Waffle House for Christmas lunch.
Kathryn and Grandma Lady are BFFs.
Dad and me.
Kathryn buttered her own waffle then Lady ended up eating the middle section.
Paw-Paw with his two favorite mutts before hitting the road for the second half of the drive which ended up taking a lot longer than expected.
My tire blew while I was driving. Luckily, Paw-Paw stopped for gas after we ate so I was ahead of him.
He came to the rescue and Kathryn enjoyed getting out of her car seat and jumping around the car.
It's pretty scary standing two feet away from cars going 70+ mph. Yikes!
We finally made it back to Atlanta traveling 50 mph with the spare, but it was worth the trip!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Birthday at The Track

Nate was invited to a birthday party for one of his soccer friends. I keep saying we're done with birthday parties for a while because that's all we get done doing, but this one was at The Track so I had to take Nate. He loves it there. Then, of course, Kathryn thinks she's one of the guys.
 Since it's the off season they had all the rides to themselves.
 Kathryn enjoyed herself if you can't tell.
 Nate rode this drop thing over and over.
 Taking it easy on the merry-go-round.
 Showing off with no hands.
 He drove the go-carts for the first time. It was just his friends out there so they had a lot of fun.
 There he is cutting off his friend.
 For some reason Nate always wants to ride in the backseat.
 Between both of these kids skeeball skills together they earned enough tickets for 3 dum dums.
 Kathryn earned one courtesy ticket each game.
Now this time I mean it. No more birthday parties for at least a month!

Let me share one birthday party story that you might get a kick out of. The party before this one was for a kid in Nate's class. I asked Steve to take him because I have spent every other weekend at 6th birthday parties since school started. Just as the party was almost over Nate had to go #2. He could have held it until they got home, but Steve wasn't keeping up with the time and didn't realize the party was over so he sent him on into the bathroom. During that time the entire party cleared out and Steve was left standing and waiting in the living room while Nate took his sweet time in the bathroom. Hilarious!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Here are the kids all dressed up for church.
 Showing off her pretty dress.
 They handed out glow sticks to the kids instead of candles. That was a huge hit.
 Now they're going to expect glow sticks every Sunday.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

More Christmas 2012

Laura came over to celebrate Christmas with us. She and Lady sat at the kid's table.
There we are. Except for me. I got a new camera for Christmas so I'm never going to be in another picture ever again.
Paw-Paw snuck Little Mack some licks.
The kids showed Laura their new toy.
Time to start a diet so that when it warms up and we add water I'm able to slide. Just kidding.
Kathryn played so hard that her braid fell out on the other side so Lady pulled that side up in a ponytail.
And a gratuitous Mace picture. What a sweet baby.