Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas 2012

We celebrated Christmas a couple days early with Paw-Paw and Lady so that Steve and Nathan could leave for Minnesota on Christmas Day. Here are the kids who don't need anything opening their first presents.
I'll save you from looking at essentially the same picture over and over. Here is Nate with a Star Wars figure. When he sat on Santa's lap he talked Star Wars stuff with him. Santa kept asking him if he needed certain figures and Nate kept saying, "No, I have that one." So anyway, Nate got five or six new ones to keep him happy for a while... I hope.
Kathryn could have been done after she opened this bag full of baby doll stuff from Paw-Paw and Lady.
Paw-Paw got a box of coffee from each grandchild.
When Kathryn sat on Santa's lap she asked for candy. Here is a box of Laffy Taffy for Nate and Kate to share.... with me. I love Laffy Taffy.
For some reason Kathryn didn't like receiving these Minnie Mouse slippers. Definitely not impressed with these.
Steve and Mack received a Vikings dog collar. I bought that when Mack was new in hopes of making Steve like Mack. Steve is usually a really grumpy dog owner so I thought this might help him like Mack. It turned out that Steve liked Mack on his own and this collar is just icing on the cake.

Another gift I gave Steve was allowing him to bring that horribly, ugly hunter green recliner downstairs to use for 3 months without any comments from me. That ugly chair has been in his life longer than I have and if he keeps refusing to get rid of it, he may have to enjoy it somewhere else.
 Joe and I got Lady got her shoes she's been talking about for months.
One of the greatest gifts you can give Kathryn is fake fingernails.
This easel has been in the box and being used as a stairway blockade for Mack since October, but she got so used to seeing it that she didn't think anything about it!
 This was their gift from their grandparents. Huge hit!
 It's going to be so dangerous when it warms up and we can hook the water hose up to it.
 A little bit of static electricity.
 Add this to their bounce house from last year and I'm hoping they're set.

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