Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving on Sunday rather than actual Thanksgiving Day. Lady was staying at our house from when she was here for Kate's birthday and we didn't want to make her and Paw-Paw be away from each other on Thanksgiving so we moved it up so she could go home a couple days early to celebrate Thanksgiving with Paw-Paw and Grandma. It worked out nicely for us because Steve deploys Monday so we are able to have some down time from the holidays before he leaves.
He broke out his ugly Christmas sweater for the occasion since he won't be around to wear it for Christmas.
 Laura and Lady.
 Nate, Kate and Reagan.
 Shelly, Lady, Steve and Laura.
Last week Kathryn had her Thanksgiving program at school. Lady got to see it this year. It was so cute!   I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to get her to take her bathing suit off before school that morning, but she compromised and only left the top on.

She's front and center.
Daddy with his little Indian girl.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Nice to see our smiling daughter Laura. Megan looks like she is doing a commercial for KitchenAide.

    Aunt Ruth

  2. Reagan is still quite a cutie. You have a great kitchen for cooking and entertaining Megan. Great blog.

