Steve, Nathan and I took a break from packing and cleaning to hang out with some friends, better known as Saber's owners to our blog readers. Nathan and Tyler played together so hard tonight. It is so funny to watch them play together now because they actually interact with each other. Tonight's lesson was on sharing which also led to the lesson on fighting. It was so cute though. Nathan stole Tyler's cracker (not without Tyler grabbing it back a few times though). Nathan thought that he had the benefit of walking away with the cracker, but he failed to realize that Tyler is much faster in his walker than Nathan is on foot. Tyler chased him down, but before it got too ugly we got another cracker out.
As soon as Nathan saw Tyler's car, he hijacked it for the rest of the night. We have quite the car enthusiast on our hands. Below, Nathan is helping Tyler learn to walk by letting him push him around in his own car. What a good friend Nathan is!
Poor Tyler had to ride on the trunk of his own car! Nathan also enjoyed catching up on old times with Saber.
Poor Tyler had to ride on the trunk of his own car! Nathan also enjoyed catching up on old times with Saber.
And here, Tyler is forcing Nathan to share the toys. They "played" tug-of-war with those donuts.
Nathan and I took Uncle Joe to the airport this morning for his flight home. Nathan sure did enjoy his company while he was here. I think Uncle Joe enjoyed Nathan's company just as much though. He didn't even gag when Nathan's poop overflowed from his diaper and got on him. That's saying a lot for Joe. We'll have to go visit Uncle Joe and Aunt Lexi in San Antonio.
It is 6:30 am and I am viewing your new post "Hot Rod" and I am laughing out loud!! Tammy