Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bonus Features

Everyone benefits from our trips to Georgia. Everyone gets to see everyone, I get to go shopping and all my blog readers get to see videos. I can't post videos from our computer.

We might need to add a line to our cell phone plan. Nathan is quite the talker now. I can't talk to Paw-Paw or Lady without him asking me to give him the phone. He's not satisfied with a quick "Hello, how are you?" either. He's going to cause Lady to lose her job if he continues to expect her to talk about states during work hours.

Kathryn found Mace's water bowl.

To this day, Nathan hates swinging. It works out nicely for Kathryn, though.

Nathan's movie of choice at the moment is Monsters, Inc. He loves the scene where Sully, Mike and Boo are hanging from the doors as they're moving along the tracks. (You would have to see the movie to know what I'm talking about.) This is his reinactment of that scene. Paw-Paw's leg is a door. Paw-Paw's leg is going to be sore.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the videos. Kathryn swinging is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I'm always impressed by the punishments Paw Paw is willing to go through to please Nathan. Too cute!

    Aunt Lexi
