Our two week break from the kids was enjoyable and we got a lot done, but Steve and I were definitely ready to for them to come home. I forgot how funny they were. But I also forgot how mischievous Kathryn is. The drive home wasn't the greatest, but when is a drive ever great with Kathryn in the car? Nathan was yelling at her every time she whined or cried. My favorite time was when she started yelling and getting mad and Nathan told her, "Baby Sister stop being bad. I'm always a good boy so you need to be a good girl..... You better recognize." I have no idea where he heard that. Maybe overheard someone say that while he was out, or maybe he picked it up from Paw-Paw and Lady.
Paw-Paw and Lady took the kids to the playground almost every night. Being back at home is going to suck for the kids.
Mace likes to be included in everything.
Mace got to be very protective over the children while they were at the playground. He stood and waited for them to come down the tunnel slide every time, or when he wasn't busy sliding himself.
Poor Mace. He would go under the table to try to make Kathryn forget about him. As you can see, his plan didn't go as expected most of the time.
Look at Mace in this picture.
Nathan got a giant cookie with lime green frosting.
Kathryn is such a girly-girl. She loves flowers.
At the beginning of their stay Lily hated Kathryn. She would take off running and hide under something every time Kathryn came looking for her. Unfortunately, that was quite often. I don't know how Paw-Paw and Lady didn't go crazy just off of hearing Kathryn demand "kee-kee-kee" (kitty) and "Lilla-Lilla-Lilla." I couldn't believe that by the end of their stay Kathryn was petting Lily on the head.