We've had numerous cookouts bringing in people from all over the world. Seriously. All over the world. This Memorial Day was no different. We had our regulars plus a few more including our friends from Serbia. This little girl is six years old. I don't remember her name, but she sure loved Kathryn. Kathryn loved her at first too... until she started picking her up all the time and carrying her around.
This is Nathan's new friend from Serbia. She couldn't resist Nathan and she scooped him up and carried him around and fed him. Now I see where her daughter gets it from. Oh well, Nathan ate a plateful of food that he normally wouldn't even think of eating.
We had BBQ ribs, smoked pork, brisket, chicken kabobs, and Serbian-style chicken. A meat extravaganza especially for Steve.

Steve tried out the new cornhole boards he built. Now we can continue the fun down in Florida. Watch out Joe and Lexi. We're going to be practicing daily!
Baby Ray-Ray soaking up the sun.
This seems like the perfect way to spend the day.

Except Nathan didn't ever beat up on her like he does Kathryn.
Mr. Norm and Ms. Shelly lived in Germany before this assignment. They brought over 600 bottles of wine back to the States with them. Really good wine. They always showed up with wine, but Lady always declined their wine and brought her own communion wine. Oh well, whatever gets the job done.
Relaxing after the Memorial Day meat extravaganza.

Now here he is trying to feed him bugs.
When Paw-Paw and Lady left the next day they had to do what they've been dreading... telling Mr. Norm, Ms. Shelly and Reagan good-bye. They are moving to Italy in a week. Shelly said that one day when Reagan is older she's going to ask her parents, "What ever happened to Paw-Paw and Lady?" I think Paw-Paw and Lady looked forward to seeing the Normans just as much as they looked forward to seeing the Meissners on their visits here.

Mr. Norm and Zoran playing cornhole.
Reagan isn't going to know what to do without her friends Nate and Kate. They're like her brother and sister.
Nathan enjoyed having his buddy Mr. Norm around for one last hurrah. It's funny to think that Nathan wouldn't even talk to Mr. Norm 10 months ago. All it took was Mr. Norm showing up with gifts for the first couple of weeks to win him over.
I have to include a picture of the guest of honor.
Looks like we missed a rousing farewell cookout.