Steve comes home from work and the kids and I are all tan. Living at the beach sure is fun!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Life's a Beach
I might be going "Old MacDonald's Petting Farm" on you. My dedicated blog readers who have been with me from the beginning probably remember what I'm talking about. Back when Nathan was about 2 years old I used to take him to the petting farm over and over and post pictures from each visit. I think I might be starting that same scenario again, but replace the petting farm with the beach. Here we are at the beach once again.
The water was very clear yesterday. No seaweed or fish.
If we continue going to the beach regularly there is going to be a sand shortage. We come home with ridiculous amounts of sand no matter how hard we try not to.
Hanging out, enjoying a CapriSun on the beach.

Too Much is Never Enough
This little girl has a love for the finer things in life: jewelry, shoes, hair bows, and make-up. She looks forward to getting ready with me in the mornings so she can dig around in my make-up. She is the girliest little girl I have ever met. Maybe you'll see us on the next season of Toddlers and Tiaras. Kathryn comes complete with the bratty attitude needed to be successful in the world of toddlers and beauty pageants.
Not only does she wear napkin rings as bracelets, but she wears Steve's headlamp as a necklace.
Kathryn's box of hair bows never reappeared after leaving Alabama. All the boxes are unpacked, but no bows anywhere. We fixed that problem by buying her some new ones. When we got home and she found them in the bag she needed to wear them all immediately. She wouldn't take no for an answer. It's like this every morning with her bows now. I have to pretend to put them in her hair then hide them behind or under something quickly without her knowing. She gets mad when she catches me though.
So there you have it. Kathryn is an extremely happy little girl as long as you give her all the makeup and accessories she demands. If she's like this now I don't even want to imagine what she's going to be like as a teenager!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Day at the Beach
We've lived at the beach for almost three weeks, but I have only been to the beach once. There is definitely something wrong with that, so I made sure to correct the situation. I wasn't sure how things were going to work out once we got to the beach considering there is only one me with two crazy kids to watch. Nathan loves the water and braving the big waves, but Kathryn prefers playing in the sand. Somehow I managed to make it work and everyone had a good time. Such a good time that we're going back tomorrow and probably again the next day and every other day after that until we PCS again.
Nathan tried getting Kathryn to join him in jumping in the waves. He is a totally different kid from the last beach trip. He didn't want to go out in the water unless someone was holding him, today I had to keep calling him back in because he was going out too far.
Kathryn didn't want to have anything to do with jumping in the waves, but you can see Nathan trying to pull her back out. It worked out though because the little girl to the right of Nathan in the distance liked splashing around in the waves. They ended up playing together and Kathryn played in the sand with the little girl to her left.
As soon as I finish this post I'm going to go out and vacuum the sand out of my car. It's bad.
The best part of the day was coming home and putting this wild child down for a good, long nap!
Nathan and Kathryn playing together on the beach.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Headed West
When we found out we were moving to Florida Lexi said she was probably going to wear out her welcome at our house. Not if I beat her to it! We've been to Pensacola several times in the past two weeks. You try telling Nathan he can't go play with Uncle Joe. You would have to be an awfully cruel person to keep Nathan out of Pensacola.
Uncle Joe and Aunt Lexi and Jessica have two cats, a boy and a girl. As they were lounging in the cat bed Nathan decided that he was Bunker and Kathryn was Pinkerton.
Bunker gets extra snuggly when there's food around.
That chair is the root of all cousin controversy.
The moment Nathan waited for all day long... Uncle Joe getting home from work.
After dinner we went to the playground. Kathryn just does this now to upset me. She walked over to me with a handful of dirt. Then when she got to me she started laughing and stuffed it in her mouth.
Triple baby duty.

The moment Nathan waited for all day long... Uncle Joe getting home from work.
Jessica borrowed Kathryn's napkin ring bracelet.
See you in a few days!
A Beary Good Day
Nathan has been trying to figure out a way to earn $4 so he can add a Berenstain Bears' book to his collection. He stares at the backs of the books and mentions which ones he doesn't have all the time. He's been cleaning up his toys and trying his best not to make messes, but when he does he "helps" clean them up. Lady was so proud of him for helping me out that she sent him a special package. He knew something was coming today, but he didn't know what.
Nathan is way into building houses with his legos. I'm definitely getting my payback from when I used to make everyone look at my cars when I was little. Nathan builds house after house after house and brings them to me and lists off the location of every room in the house. Kathryn has even picked up on this.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Family and the Fourth
Here are a bunch of pictures from our July 4th weekend. It was a lot of fun. I think we might have Paw-Paw and Lady convinced to move to Florida so they can have this much fun all the time!
Uncle Joe, Nathan and Paw-Paw hit the beach by themselves one day.
Nathan asked Uncle Joe to teach him how to build a sand castle. Uncle Joe was upset with me for not providing my son with the proper sand toys.
Paw-Paw in heaven.
As Kathryn kisses Jessica, Jessica is contemplating whether she should pull Kathryn's hair or grab her eyeballs.

Nathan discovered math.
He and Lady worked on their addition and subtraction during their visit.
Kathryn learned she likes hummus. Forget the chips, just the hummus.
Uncle Joe has always loved fireworks, but I wouldn't let him shoot them off at my new house this year. I gave in just a little bit and allowed him to show Nathan the snakes.
Jessica is tickled about Mace's patriotism.
Cruisin' in the Crown Vic.
This is Kathryn's mean look before she "gets you," grrrrrr!
This is how she "gets you!"
Babies in a box. Too cute.
Little super model.
Uncle Joe and Nathan with their tough guy faces.
Tough guy with a lion tattoo on his belly.
Beach buddies.
Steve and I like having grandparents at the beach too. Notice we don't have either child!
Kathryn enjoys the water, but she really, really loves the sand.
I'm sure this is just one of many more pictures like this one. I don't think Paw-Paw and Lady can resist the beach and grandkids.
They have the same hairstyle.
My baby girl is getting so big!

Kathryn found these napkin rings while I was unpacking a box. Little did I know she would use them as bracelets and wear them all day, everyday.
Happy Birthday to Me
I had my family in town to celebrate my birthday. It was a good time. Lady cooked for me and got me a cake to keep with Nathan's mandatory birthday theme. Birthday person has to have a picture on the cake.
Lady asked for the typical stick figure with a smiley face head that we've done for everyone else, but this is what they gave her.
I didn't get a picture quick enough before Nathan convinced someone to cut him a piece of cake.
Kathryn loved my favorite meal too. She ate like she hadn't eaten in weeks.
Uncle Joe and Jessica did sneak attack on Kathryn while she was eating. Poor Kathryn can't get a break.
Just relaxing in the rocker, letting her food digest.
I can't wear jewelry without Kathryn trying to take it off and throwing a fit if she can't have it. That's my girl.
Nathan was busy hanging out with the guys. He walked down to the marina with Paw-Paw and Mace.
Mace checked out his new vacation destination.

It must have been all those pieces of cake that caught up with Nathan because he was a dancing fool. This style of dancing went on several minutes without stopping. He has some serious dance moves. That dance show was by far the best gift. Even better than my steam mop.
The rest of the weekend pictures are coming right up. We have super fast internet here, so blogging is super fast. No more waiting on pictures and videos to upload!
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