Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cereal Killers

Nate isn't so into commercial-free Nick Jr. anymore. He's moved on to big kid Nick and Disney. He's learning there is more to life than just the things he currently owns, thanks to the commercials they show. Now I'm making trips to the grocery store for specifics like Trix yogurt, Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs. He's an advertiser's dream. When I came home with the box of Lucky Charms last night, Nate got so excited and yelled, "I can't wait to see the tasty red balloons!"
He has Kathryn excited about food now too. She was running around the house carrying the box of Cocoa Puffs and yelling "Cocoa Puffs" even though she had never even heard of any cereal other than Cheerios before yesterday.
Here is Kathryn hoarding the marshmallows in her cash register drawer.
Neither kid eats anything but the marshmallows in Lucky Charms. I ordered a bag of cereal marshmallows for them off of Amazon to keep them from fighting over the bag of cereal.
Nate like a repeat Joe Haggerty (on so many levels). I remember my brother getting so excited over food commercials as a kid too. Especially Goober Grape. I didn't know what Goober Grape was until my mom bought it for Joe and he was so excited to show me how the peanut butter and jelly were combined in one jar.

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