Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Bappy

Steve suggested that he do a post about his and Nathan's trip to Minnesota, but I can't wait any longer. I've got some blog readers anxiously awaiting another blog! I don't like going out of order, but I have a lot of other stuff to share until Steve "finds time" (quits playing Spongebob on Wii) to share his visit with us.

After Nathan's Minnesota trip we took a trip to Georgia for Allison's baptism at Paw-Paw and Lady's church. Everyone was there to meet Allison and celebrate her baptism with her. We got together for dinner at Paw-Paw and Lady's house, but before we ate, all 6 of the great grandchildren got together for some play time. It was so cute to watch as they played together while Great Grandma Gerken held Allison.
Then we attempted what we all thought was going to be way too much to as ask from 6 children, but to our surprise they all cooperated and stayed on the couch for pictures.
The kids and Paw-Paw at the kids' table.
The guest of honor.
Kathryn looks like she's keeping an eye on Andrew being so close to her cake.
It seems like it was just Emma and Nate for the longest time and then all of the sudden there are kids all over the place.
Allison weighs almost as much as Grandma.
Allison after church with the pastor.
Nate couldn't get enough of Allison during church.
Steve and I with our new goddaughter.
The whole crew.
Nathan always finds his way back to Allison.

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