Niceville Little League kicked off the baseball season last weekend with a parade and opening ceremony. Niceville treats Little League like Major League Baseball.
Throwing gang signs at his coach before they walk in the parade. Just kidding. I don't know what he's doing.
Nate on the far left walking around the field.
After the parade they lined up and shook the hands of all the baseball officials.
Lady watched the next generation baseball moms with envy. Her ballpark hey days are over.
After the opening ceremony, Nate ran into his Saturday soccer friends at the other side of the park so he joined them for a little soccer.
Nate is already talking about playing football too! I sure hope he changes his mind on that one considering he still fits into 4T pants and he'll be six next month!
We went home for about an hour then headed back out for his first real game. I could take about a million pictures of him in his uniform because he looks so cute and little.
Running to first base.
Safe on first.
Headed to second. He never got past second base because he was the second to last batter.
After the game.
Nate is already talking about playing football too! I sure hope he changes his mind on that one considering he still fits into 4T pants and he'll be six next month!
We went home for about an hour then headed back out for his first real game. I could take about a million pictures of him in his uniform because he looks so cute and little.
They started off using the tee, but that was getting too easy.
After his first time at bat the coach pitched to him.
Safe on first.
Headed to second. He never got past second base because he was the second to last batter.
Headed back out to the field.
Keeping himself entertained while in the outfield.
Seems Nate has improved quite a bit since his first practice. He knows exactly what to do when he hits the ball and he was extremely quick getting to first base.
I use to watch Joe play baseball, he liked showing off for me. Watching Nathan hit that final pitch was thrilling. Thanks for the cool blog.