The kids and I have managed to catch Uncle Joe as soon as he comes online a couple times now. We immediately call him and interrupt anything he actually came online to do. It's annoying, I know, but it's actually really funny to me. The first time he was about to start a movie, but Nate decided he would like to have a tour of his new living facilities, which resemble a prison, and then he requested a view of outside.
One of Nate's "things" at the moment is exploring foreign countries and learning about time zones. Uncle Joe fascinated Nate by walking him outside to see Qatar after midnight because it was mid afternoon at our house. I'm pretty sure Nate is going to expect to have more Skype tours of Qatar, even though he was just seeing on base.The next time we talked it was late afternoon here so it was the middle of the night/early morning there. Of course, Nate needed to see a live update of what time of day it was there by asking Uncle Joe to take him outside to see it. He saw the moon there. That same moon he was going to see at his house later that day. Nate had a really good idea, but Uncle Joe declined. He thought it would be fun for them to stay on Skype all night long so Nate could watch it get lighter in Qatar as he watched it get darker in Florida, and vice versa. I can't imagine why Uncle Joe wasn't interested. I can't think of a better way to make a year fly by than to sit on Skype with Nate tracking days and nights. :-)
Studying up on his geography.
One of these days I might have to Skype with Nate during my daylight hours just to reassure him that the sun comes out here.
I know if Skype would of been around when Joe was Nathan's age, Joe would of requested the same thing. They're too much alike. The picture of Nathan looking at the world map is very cute.