Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Peachtree Road Race 2013

This year I volunteered with Aunt Ruth and Lady at the Peachtree Road Race. We got there super early ready to work. We had to wake up at 3:30 a.m. which seems like it would be hard, but as soon as Nate heard my alarm go off he jumped out of bed and started running around the house yelling with excitement. He couldn't wait to get down there.

Once we got there we prepared ourselves for a long morning of rain.
Nate and Kate settled in to their spots.
 Looking all cute.
So cute, in fact, someone took a picture of them and got their names. Lady gladly jumped in and took full credit for them, despite the fact that their father is standing right there with them too!
The next morning Aunt Ruth opened the Atlanta Journal Constitution to find this picture! She told us about it and Steve went out to buy a stack of papers.
Uncle Larry participated in the Peachtree Road Race adventure from the side lines this year. You can see his excitement here.
 Lady and Kathryn handing out water.
 Nate helping too.
 A few people we know happened to be thirsty. Amanda and Tim.
 Our friends who also live in Niceville stopped by to say hi at our water station.
Teresa ran over to say hi to the soon to be Peachtree celebrities.
 Time for clean up. This is when it gets fun for everyone.
 Dunk Kathryn.
How convenient, Kathryn wore her patriotic bikini to splash around in the water.


  1. Looks like fun, especially the rain. I'd be ecstatic for just a few drops of rain here.

  2. There's never a dull moment with this family!
