Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ballerina Biker

After dance class tonight, Kathryn came home and wanted to give her two wheel bike another try. She has been practicing on her balance bike inside for for a couple of months, so she must have mustered up enough courage to go outside with her real bicycle and give it go. (Purple leotard, center)
I took her tap shoes off and carried her out to the car, so when she got home she wasn't wearing any shoes. That didn't slow her down at all.
The process.

And she's off...
It always helps to have your big brother run along side of you and cheer you on.
Success. You know you've made it when you're able to ride down to the cul-de-sac.
Congratulations, Boomba! You're such a big girl!!! (You'll always be my baby girl, though!)


  1. Congratulations, Kathryn! Paw-Paw and I are very proud of you!

  2. Wow, Kathryn, that's awesome! I love how old pro Nate gives her tips on how to turn.

    Uncle Joe
