Our initial reason for visiting Georgia was to attend Great Grandma Gerken's (3G) 90th birthday party. Joe and Lexi and Steve and I decided it would be fun to surprise her with our visit. She was sort of surprised even after all of Lady's slip-ups over the past couple of weeks. Lady made a few remarks regarding our visit, but she didn't think Grandma would be able to piece everything together. Well, she did. She's not your typical 90 year old. She might not have been super surprised, but she was really happy to get to meet her third great grandchild, though. Right now, I think all three great grandchildren are in pretty good positions with Great Grandma Gerken for now. Emma is the oldest, Kathryn is the youngest and Nathan is the only boy. Nathan is lucky he's not a girl or else he would just be the middle grandchild. Not a good place to be. Take my word for it!
Here we are hiding out in the bathroom before we thought we were going to go out and surprise 3G.
Nathan and Uncle Joe doing what they do best.
Nathan chowed down on a cupcake.
Then washed the cupcake down with at least three cups of punch. He loved it.
Steve was lucky that cupcake and punch didn't come back up.
Me and my babies.
Paw-Paw and his only two grandchildren, for now.
Cousin Emma held Kathryn and even gave her a sweet kiss on the head.
Then Nathan gave Emma a hug (against her wishes) before she left.
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