Monday, January 18, 2010

Playing at Paw-Paw and Lady's

I've been so busy doing a whole lot of nothing, so I haven't had time to blog. Here are some pictures of Nate and Kate during their Paw-Paw and Lady's house vacation. I'm sure Baby Sister will end up loving it here just as much as her big brother does.

This is Nathan's new thing. He always wants Baby Sister to sit on the couch right beside him when he's playing. As far as he's concerned, she's playing when she just sits there and lets him pile toys on her.
He talks and talks to her about his bobbles. As you can see, she's very interested.
Baby Sister really turned on the charm with Paw-Paw. It looks like Nathan has some competition now.
As usual, Mace checking to see what Nathan is up to.
Nathan put himself in charge of operating Baby Sister's swing. She swings however he determines she should swing.
Lily is intrigued by Baby Sister's bath.
Nathan is intrigued by Lily. He pets her from the tail up, going against her fur. She hates it.
Excited about her bath. She loves taking baths.
There was a bit of a misunderstanding. I told Nathan that he and Baby Sister were going to take a bath at the same time. That's all I said. I just assumed that he would know that the water in the big tub was for him. He got his clothes off and the next thing I saw was him getting in Baby Sister's tub. The funny thing is that I had to add some cool water because he's such a wuss when it comes to hot water. Baby Sister, on the other hand, gets mad if you don't give her hot water.
Lady is probably having flashbacks to 30 years ago when she held little Joseph and Megan.
She is the smiliest baby, but as soon as I get the camera out, her smiles stop and she gets this super serious face and begins studying the camera.
Playing outside with Mace.
Mace has to share his rock with Nathan now.
When I got here, I said I wanted to try and get a picture of all of my children, Mace, Hank, Nate and Kate together. Unfortunately, we all unexpectedly gathered for a picture while I was in my pajamas. Oh well, at least I got a picture of me with all of my babies.
After a long day of playing hard, Nathan fell asleep on the couch with a cookie in his hand.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Kathryn likes a hot bath just like her grandma.

    Aunt Ruth
