Talk about some serious bowling skillz. Nathan is quite the little baller. He went bowling for the first time tonight and he absolutely loved it. We joined the squadron at the bowling alley on base for First Friday. We got free bowling thanks to Steve's squadron for not getting any DUIs. Yes, you read that right. They are praised for not doing what they shouldn't be doing anyways. I guess it's a pretty big deal when it's a flying squadron. You all know the stereotype.

Each roll took about one minute to make it down to the pins.

The ball return was an exciting event each time.

There's Baby Sister with a blanket draped over her, as usual. With as covered up as I keep her, she could be mistaken for one of Michael Jackson's kids.

Then it went dark, the strobe lights came on and the music got loud. Now that was right up Nathan's alley.

It was all fun and games until Nathan didn't see the little step, tripped and fell while carrying a bowling ball and slammed his cheek down on the ball. It was every bit as bad as you are picturing in your head.

His cheek swelled up and the bruising came on immediately.

All I have to say is, he is way more tolerant of pain than I am.

A swollen, bruised up cheek isn't going to keep Nathan away from bowling. As we were leaving, he asked if we could come back again. That is a definite yes. It was so cute.
Poor Nathan! Glad he bounced right back!
ReplyDeleteSo, if this is Nathan's first time bowling, does that mean that there's been a dui in the squadron every other month? We're very proud of you for staying clean, Steve. Keep up the good work :)