Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vast Vocabulary

I promised Nathan that we would go play on the mall playground if he behaved and let Baby Sister get her picture taken without throwing any fits. (Just mentioning pictures puts him in a bad mood.) He agreed, so we headed to the playground after pictures. When we got there it was filled with some of the most obnoxious kids ever. (By the way, "obnoxious" is one of Nathan's favorite words. He learned it while we were in Georgia and I called the dogs obnoxious.) Those Against my better judgement, I let him play for a little bit until a kid jumped over Kathryn's car seat (she was even on the bench) and I had to go off on him. Luckily, the kids parents weren't paying him any attention. After that, I figured it would be a good time to leave, (because this kid's dad had tattoos on his face and people with tattoos on their faces really scare me). As we were leaving I told Nathan that we would come back when it wasn't so ghetto. We grabbed some lunch then went back and as he ran into the playground area he yelled, "It's not ghetto anymore, Mommy!" He was right, it was just a bunch of clean women with young kids, none of which had tattoos on their faces.
Now the word "ghetto" has become a staple in Nathan's vocabulary. For example, "Nathan finish your banana." His response, "I don't want it. That banana is ghetto."
One day, Nathan was being his usual sweet self and giving Kathryn hugs and kisses. Steve told him to be careful because Baby Sister is fragile. Nathan's response was, "No Baby Sister is not fragile. Mommy washed her off." I don't know what he thought "fragile" meant, but it was a really funny response.
Nathan spends about 95% of his day talking to me. He talks more than anyone I have ever met in my life. I love it, though. He is always in such a positive mood. When bed time rolls around, we have to invite him in to talk, not fall asleep. Then we talk about everything that we did that day and everything that's on his mind until his words are long and drawn out to the point that he doesn't even finish them. He always starts out with, "It was a beautiful, sunny day." It's not usually a beautiful, sunny day here, but as long as he thinks so, I agree.


  1. In addition to his "crappy playground" (thanks to Paw-Paw), Nathan now has a "ghetto playground", thanks to his mother. No wonder he has such a huge vocabulary, he remembers everything that is said to him. Lady

  2. Hmmm, I'll have to think of some good words to teach Nathan the next time I see him...
