Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Other Adventures in SC

Not only did Nathan and Kathryn's grandparents take them to Congaree National Park, but they also visited the capital building in Columbia.
What do you think of that, Uncle Joe?
Nathan's ability to run up and down these stairs puts me to shame when I meet at the Alabama capital with my boot camp once a week. I need to step up my workout!

They also visited a zoo.
There was a merry-go-round at the zoo. Look at that cool kid on the leopard.
They also went to a carnival, but apparently I didn't save any of those pictures to post. Nathan had a lot of fun there though. He wants Paw-Paw and Lady to take him back when he's five years old and bigger... and maybe a little braver. Paw-Paw and Lady assured him they would find a carnival to take him to in Florida, but he only wants to go to the carnival in South Carolina.

Those rare occasions when Kathryn is being sweet makes you forget all about the other 90% of the time when she's being bad.
It doesn't matter where you take Nathan as long as you stay in a hotel.
He'll enjoy any trip as long as he gets plenty of time to hang out in the hotel room.
Lady was the lucky one to get to sleep with Kathryn.

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