Saturday, October 31, 2009

Head to Toe

As far as Paw-Paw is concerned, Nathan belongs to him and he is just on loan to Steve and me. Which means, we better take extremely good care of him. When Nathan got a black eye I knew who was going to need an explanation.

Here is Nathan with his black eye almost completely healed.
Then, when Nathan was messing around in the kitchen cabinets and dropped a can on his toe, it immediately swelled up and turned black and blue. At that point, I knew Paw-Paw was probably going to be on his way up to South Dakota to rescue his baby.

It was so sad watching as Nathan tried to be so tough and continued to try running and playing. He kept telling Steve and me the entire night, "I hurt my foot." I took him to the doctor the next day because we were afraid it was broken. Luckily, it's not broken and he should be walking normal by the middle of next week. Kind of puts a damper on trick-or-treating considering he can't wear a shoe on his right foot.
Despite his hurt toe, he remained in a good mood.
Playing with his bathtub paint.
I guess this is his scary Halloween look.

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