Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nathan's Month

Finally! October is here and even though it's just the beginning of the month, I feel like I only have one month left of this (to put it nicely) anything but enjoyable pregnancy. That also means that this is Nathan's last month of being an only child, getting all of my time and attention. Hopefully, he'll be so happy that I'm not throwing up and nauseous and that I'll finally be able to run and play with him like he's used to, that he won't even notice the crying baby.

I decided that this month is going to be all about Nathan. I don't really know how that differs from every other month, but I guess I just never consciously labeled an entire month as Nathan's month until now. Pretty much anything he wants to do, we do. He's been looking at a book with various fruits in it for a couple of weeks now. He started asking for the fruit on each page. Or, I guess if you've spent any time with Nathan, you know that he doesn't ask for stuff, he tells you that he needs stuff. He's been needing a whole list of fruits so Steve and I took him to the grocery store with his book so that he could pick out every fruit that he thought he needed.

We asked Nathan if he wanted to go home after the grocery store. He said, "I don't want to go home. I just want to go to Kmart." He told us he needed to buy a new hat. He also suggested that we go look at the trucks and tractors.
When we got home we pulled in the driveway to find our yard filled with deer. Nathan got so excited and wanted to hurry out of the car to go see them. Then he wanted to chase them, but Steve didn't let him. You can see Nathan struggling to get loose.
When we were at Kmart, Nathan found a 15 piece airplane set that he just needed. He grabbed the big box off the shelf and headed up to the registers saying, "I'm just gonna take this. I just need this." (If you can't tell by now, Nathan begins lots of sentences with, "I just need...") Steve and I just looked at each other and laughed and decided that buying 15 new airplanes was way easier than hanging out at Kmart for another hour. Yes, we were there for over an hour following Nathan around as he showed us everything he "needed." He's not spoiled at all.
Snuggled in with Baby Kathryn as he watches Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!
The next day we tried all of the fruits that Nathan picked out. Hopefully now he'll leave us alone about needing oranges and pineapples and "pums" (plums) and every other fruit that we know he won't eat.
Halfway through the fruit tasting, he said, "I just like tooties (cookies) better."
His imagination is getting huge now, too. He can tell a story like no one else. One night Nathan was running around and playing and he hit his mouth on Steve's forehead. Steve was just sitting on the couch and Nathan ran right in to his head. Nathan fake cried for a minute on my shoulder and told me the story of what happened. Keep in mind, I was sitting right there and saw exactly what happened. I like Nathan's story better. It was way more entertaining.
Nathan's story went like this:
"Daddy hit me. Daddy got mad and hit me. I got in trouble and Daddy hit me."
At this point I was cracking up. Steve was sitting there in amazement of what was being said about him. Steve tried telling him that he didn't hit him, that he (Nathan) ran into his (Steve's) head. Then Nathan said, "Yes, Daddy hit me," then he pointed to his mouth as continued, "he hit my mouth right here." Wow! It's amazing what that little two year old brain is capable of!

Another one of his creative stories goes like this. He looks out of the living room window and yells, "Here comes a B-2. Hurry, come look at it." So, I play along and get all excited to see a B-2 fly over our house and then once I get there he tells me that "It went the wrong way, but it will come back in a minute." Then he goes on to play that same game with B-1's, B-52's, and missiles.


  1. Remind me never to ask Nathan to write a letter of recommendation for anyone. Sounds like he likes to get people in trouble.

  2. What a lucky boy! I wonder if Kathryn's going to be mad when she's older and she hears about Oct. '09 being "Nathan's Month." Oh wait, she's a girl so she'll be spoiled enough :)

  3. I would love to see Nathan's expression when he sees Kathryn for the first time...Priceless.

    Boy, if Nathan can "spin a yarn" at two years old, can you imagine how good he'll be at it when he's 16? Love, Lady
