Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Henderson Beach Field Trip

Nate's class grew sea oats at school so they took them to Henderson Beach to transplant them. Of course, I tagged along on the field trip as a chaperone, which meant Kathryn also tagged along. She's mad that she has to wait two more years before kindergarten. She would jump right in tomorrow if given the chance.
Miss Sims helping Nate get his plant out of the dirt. They had to get every speck of dirt off the roots because they're not allowed to introduce anything new to the park.
 Kathryn couldn't resist running around on the wide open beach.
 She quickly sat down with the rest of the class because she wants to be a big kid so bad.
 Preparing their sea oats for planting.
 Nate first, since it was his field trip after all.
 Kathryn got right in there and planted hers too.
Class photo. This place is a vacation destination, but these kids are lucky enough to get to come here for a field trip.
Kathryn honestly thought she was a kindergartener today.
Here they are learning about sea turtles. I actually enjoyed today's field trip because I learned a lot of interesting stuff too.
 They got to see and touch scallops, hermit crabs, starfish, mussels, and a few other fish.
They learned about sharks. They even got to touch these sharks that were caught this morning. Kathryn looks freaked out here, but she actually wasn't. She went right up and touched them. So did I.
During the shark station, Catherine from Nate's class snuggled up with Nate. It was cold and I gave them my sweater to cover up with, but when Kathryn saw this snuggling going on she walked right up to the front of the group and stood there staring at Catherine. Then she turned around and tried to sit down between them. The funny part was when Catherine wouldn't let her.
Who can find the three year old in this group? Miss Sims commented on how well behaved Kathryn is and what a good listener she is. This station talked about marine debris. They held up a diaper and asked if it was debris and Kathryn yelled out, "Yes! I'm not a baby! I'm not a baby! That's for pee-pee!" Then Miss Sims commented how how much more outgoing Kathryn is than her brother as he sat there quietly.

I can't believe my kindergartener is almost a first grader! He's growing up so fast!
Finish the day off with a picnic lunch on beach towels and you have one exciting day of school!


  1. Looks like a pretty fun field trip.


  2. I can see Kathryn is going to be a leader instead of a follower. It's great she isn't shy.
