Sunday, May 5, 2013

Making Music

Nate is very much into music. Anytime he listens to music, such as The Beatles, he picks out the different instruments and really, really concentrates. So, it made sense to get him a guitar for his birthday.
 He's going to start lessons once baseball is over.
You don't think we could get Nate an instrument without getting Kathryn one too, do you? That would never fly, so here is Kathryn with a new ukulele.
This is what we're working with right now. I'll update with progress (hopefully) after they start lessons!


  1. Nate looks like a natural with the guitar in his hands.


  2. Kathryn seems as interested as Nathan. Maybe they both can start guitar lessons. Lady

  3. I like that Kathryn is strumming so violently that she gets her pic stuck, but as soon as she wiggles it free, she's right back at it.

