Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Video Extravaganza

As I was packing for our upcoming trip to Minnesota, I checked the weather forecast to be sure I packed the proper attire. After seeing the expected temperatures, I suffered from a mild case of hypothermia. I know the key is to dress in layers, but I don't even think I own enough clothes for all the layers that I'm going to need. I thought it was unbearably cold when we had a 41 degree temperature a couple of days ago. According to, highs for Friday, Saturday and Sunday are 22, 23 and 19. Yikes!

This short video clip is enough to warm anybody's heart. Here is Nathan's shout out to Daddy.

Grandpa put the Michael Vick bobble head on the shelf. Then we told Nathan that the bobble head was in jail. Now when Nathan sees the Michael Vick bobble head he points to it and says, "jail." Nathan knows that he has to be nice to the dogs now because if he's not, he'll get sent to jail.

Speaking of dogs, Nathan is certainly has a friend and a protector in Mace. Mace took it upon himself to be Nathan's bodyguard. You might want to think twice before getting too close to Nathan in Mace's presence. 

This is how Nathan spends the majority of his time at home. He's probably going to grow up to be a used car salesman.


  1. Nathan's cars have made a comeback. He's forgotten about the bobbleheads for the time being.

  2. You're missing a big part of the forecast: it's going to be windy. Wind chills in the +0's down to the -0's. And we may (finally) be getting some snow while you're here, but that is a good thing -- it is no fun to have the cold without the snow.

    (There, I just had to fulfill my duty as a Minnesotan to talk at length about the weather)

  3. Hi Megan...I should take of pic of Tommy because he does the same thing with his cars!! CUTE!!!!
    Have a Merry Christmas!!!!

    Laura :)

  4. Just a comment on the Grandma/Grandpa debate- I voted Gandma & Grandpa by the way- I just thought I'd let you know that just like anything else, what you want doesn't matter. My dad wanted to be called "Granddad" but Dake couldn't say it so he called him "Pop-pop". Needless to say, my dad never complained and now is known far and wide as Poppa.

    Have fun in Minnesota! We miss you here!
