Here are just a bunch of random pictures taken from the past week or so. We haven't really done anything to blog about, but I figured I better post some pictures to give everyone something to do when they get to work on Monday.
This was the beginning of our snow storm. It was so pretty for the first day, then it turned into every other ugly snow storm.

All of Santa's reindeer, and then some, were hanging out across the street. Nathan and I were standing at the front door looking at them, then a jeep drove by and they all took off running. It was like a deer stampede across our side yard. After that, Nathan kept asking to check outside for more reindeer.

This is how we play in the snow when I'm in charge.

Me with my perfect little angels. Can you tell they've been good kids today? Ask me again tomorrow.

Steve and his babies.

Coaching Baby Sister on her head lifts.

Baby Sister and Big Brother.

Taking a break from all those head lifts.

One of Nathan's favorite games... playing on his bed. He has all sorts of games he makes up with his pillows.

Imagine that, a picture of Nathan kissing Baby Sister.

Kathryn doesn't realize this yet, but as long as she's nice to her daddy, she'll be given the world. Nathan... not so lucky. Sucks being a boy.

Lounging on the quilt Oma made. It matches her outfit.

He entertains her and she loves it. He says, "Do this Baby Sister" then he makes a silly face at her.

She thinks Nathan is so awesome. When she's crying, he pops his head in front of hers and she immediately stops crying and begins studying him.

The second Nathan hears Baby Sister cry, he's the first one to jump up and rush to her. That means that I have to jump up right behind him. He yells, "Baby Sister is crying! Hurry! Go check her!"

His crazy picture smile.

The wind blows about a million mph here, so a lot of houses have problems with snow blowing into their attics, then melting, then the ceiling comes crashing down. Steve sent Nathan up to check the attic to make sure we were okay.

Steve and I were watching
Aristocats with Nathan when he yelled out, "stupid cat!" Then we both realized that Nathan hasn't been yelling "stupid a$$" all this time. He got the movie last summer and has been saying that line ever since. Naturally, I blamed Steve for that and naturally, he agreed that he was most likely the one to blame for that phrase.

Kathryn was grumpy one day and didn't like anything I did, so I gave up and put her on the floor and told Nathan to take care of her. It worked. He showed her his toys and she was content.

Today's 'do, sleek and stylish. When she was finished with her bath, I carried her out to the family room and Nathan said, "She doesn't have any hair." He got used to seeing her with spikey hair.

She is definitely not hurting for attention.

Nathan showing off his creative skills.

I had to take a picture of this when I saw it because I was very impressed. It's a face, and it even looks like a face, complete with hair.

I am so lucky to get to spend every day with these kids!