Friday, December 4, 2009

Lucky Lady

Lady has been working hard at proving that theory about not being able to spoil a newborn wrong. She is loving being a grandma times two.
After one of Kathryn's baths.
No post is complete without a picture of Nathan cuddling with Kathryn.
One day Nathan was so sleepy that he climbed up on Lady's lap while she was folding laundry and just fell asleep. For Nathan to be that willing to fall asleep, you can imagine how tired he was.
He didn't even wake up when she moved him off of her lap.
Lady made Nathan a Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! blanket. When she finished, she showed it to him and he politely said thank you. Then she asked if she could use it and he responded with, "No, it's mine."
She played on the bed with him. He climbs up this "big hill" then falls off.
When he lands, he's tickled.
More tickling.
All dressed up with no place to go.
Nathan watches B-1 videos on YouTube while he plays with his airplanes.
This was hilarious. Lady was flipping through the channels and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was on TV and Nathan saw it and immediately said, "I love this movie!" He's never seen it before in his life, but whatever. Lady sat and watched it with him. He's not used to watching channels that show commercials, so each time there was a commercial break, he went off on Lady. She explained to him as we cracked up, that those were commercials and that she didn't change the channel. He yelled back, "No! Not 'mercials! Turn it back!" Why in the world does she love that kid so much?

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