Friday, January 16, 2009

Bobble Business

Grandpa has been saying that Nathan is destined to be in an upper management position one day. Nathan has proven his ability to delegate responsibility and oversee operations without lifting a finger. He has worked his way up in the world of moving bobbleheads, so he no longer has to do the legwork himself. Nathan has given Grandma, Grandpa and I the responsibility of making sure the bobbles get moved from one location to the next. He's a bossy little fella. Check out this video of a typical day of operation.

Nathan has anywhere between 11 and 15 bobbles in rotation at all times, so you can imagine how tedious this job can be. He has also expanded bobblehead locations so we have to make sure the bobbles get equal time in the cabinet, in the corner, on the TV stand, on the table, and on the mantle (or fireplace, as he calls it). Another one of Nathan's requirements is to not allow the bobbles to sit still for more than five minutes at a time. We have to be ready to move bobbles at a moment's notice. If we don't act quickly enough, the boss gets angry.

Great Grandma Gerken came over to visit and Nathan didn't hesitate to put her to work, as well. She was right there moving bobbles with the rest of us.

In Nathan's opinion, if you're not rearranging something, you're just wasting time. Rearranging the refrigerator is another "in" thing right now. The first step in this long drawn out process is to remove everything within reach. Then he has to replace the food items with toys and then fill in the rest of the space with whatever food items will fit. You'll never find the same thing in the same spot twice.

When Nathan finally takes a break from his hectic work schedule, he rides his F-150 in the basement. Grandma has to tag along beside him to push the pedal. He can almost reach it, though. When spring time finally comes around (June in Rapid City), he'll be ready to speed all over the yard. 


  1. We can't wait for this phase to pass, but I'm afraid it won't. I hope Steve doesn't plan on relaxing when he gets home. When the boss speaks, he expects action.

  2. Tell Nathan he better not expect me to work on my Sunday visit.
