Friday, January 23, 2009

Pitching Practice

Great Grandma Gerken came over to see Nathan and me one more time before we head back to South Dakota. Nathan always likes hanging out with Great Grandma Gerken. He sees her as just one more playmate. The game of the night was catch. He fails to realize she is 89 years old, though. He stood in front of her and hurled tennis balls at her, expecting her to catch them. Anyone who has seen Nathan throw, knows he destined to be an MLB pitcher one day. She kept laughing and throwing the balls back to him, even though he's dangerous, as this picture shows.
When Grandma and Grandpa remodeled their bathroom, they said they wanted a shower that can double as a mini racquetball court. Not really, but Nathan uses it much like a racquetball court. He throws the ball up trying to hit the shower head, then in bounces all around, but pretty much stays contained to the shower.
Nathan has come up with some new bobble hangouts. His latest game is to line them up on the headboard and jump on the bed to watch their heads move.
When that gets tiring, we move them to the bathtub, then to the shower, then to where ever else he thinks is necessary. And notice, Parker's picture has somehow become part of the bobble movement, as well.


  1. Nathan, what am I going to do if you get Tyler addicted to Bobbleheads!!???!! They don't sell those in SoDak!! I better get on ebay to find Tyler a Bobblehead!!! I know he's going to want one!

  2. Grandma Gerken will be sad to see Nate leave. He provides her with all kinds of excitement.

  3. Take it from me, keep Tyler away from bobbles. Unless you and Jeff want to spend your days rearranging bobbles, don't let Tyler anywhere near them!
