Guess how many times Uncle Joe had to do this.
Not only is Uncle Joe good for rough-housing, but he also knows how to read.
Nathan was on the lookout for Aunt Lexi.
Check out this really fun game that Uncle Joe started. It's not tiring at all. Grandma was the only one who escaped it. The funny part is watching Joe imitate Nathan's jumping abilities when he thought he was behind the camera.
Uncle Joe left early yesterday morning to begin his journey up to South Dakota. He just barely fit in the car. There are toys and books stuffed in every crevice of the vehicle. No way should one child have accumulated that much stuff in a three month span. There is no doubt who's house he's been at for the past few months. The most ridiculous part is that all his stuff didn't even fit. Grandpa is going to make a road trip up to Rapid City this spring to bring the big stuff. Grandpa likes doing road trips, so I think this was his plan all along - spoil Nathan with as many bulky toys as possible so that they don't all fit in my car.
I'm surprised Uncle Joseph didn't try to sneak Nathan out with all the other stuff.
ReplyDeleteJust to be clear, I wasn't imitating Nathan. I was motivating him to jump higher.