I know you've all been anxiously awaiting the post about Nathan's school experience. I wanted to wait a few days to get a real feel of how things are going. He didn't cry or even whine at all on the first day. I think he was just in shock at everything new going on to realize what was
really going on. His teacher, Ms. Tasha, said he wimpered a little bit until she showed him some crayons and paper. Jackpot! He took the entire stack of construction paper and forgot all about me. He showed me his artwork the next day. Just as I expected, 40 sheets of paper with trees drawn on each one. At the end of the week Nathan gave me a folder with all 40 sheets of paper. Great. That's just what we need here. Forty more sheets of paper with trees drawn on them.
Also on the first day of school, they were playing outside when I picked him up. He didn't see me when I arrived so I took that opportunity to watch him play a little bit. Maybe I shouldn't have watched him because now I see that my sweet, innocent boy isn't so sweet or innocent. A little boy kept trying to play with him. Nathan kept moving away from him, but this little boy just kept following him. I guess Nathan had enough and decided to just give him a good push. The little boy gave Nathan a shove right back. Then a little girl yelled at them to stop fighting, so they did. No teachers were involved in the scuffle. I talked to him about that little incident when we got in the car. I asked him why he pushed the little boy and he said he didn't know. Then as he talked about his school day over the course of the evening, I figured out that that little boy had been following Nathan around trying to be his friend all day. Heaven forbid a kid try and be Nathan's friend. He promised me he wouldn't push or hit anymore kids at school.
The next day I took him to school and he knew what was going on this time around. He didn't want to wear his inside shoes. Who can blame him? The kids wear Crocs as their inside shoes, and he absolutely hates them. I got him some bright green ones to make them easier to find in the shoe bins. He refused to wear them, so he didn't have to. He still won't wear them at school. He just wears his socks all morning.
This was his first day of school.

He looks a little shocked and confused.

He was playing outside with his new friends when I picked him up the next day. All the kids in the class go gaga over Baby Sister when I show up. They see me walking up and they drop what they're doing and rush over to the fence to ooohhh and aaahhh at Kathryn. Nathan is getting better at letting them look at her. At first he would tell them to leave her alone because she's sleeping, even though she would be wide awake and smiling right back at the kids. When we got in the car and he started telling me about his morning he proudly told me, "I didn't push any kids today!" We're setting the bar really low at first. If he can just go to school without getting into any trouble, we're happy.
Here he is playing with the peg board. There are two of each peg design that he matches up on each level.

I promised him we would go to Chuck E. Cheese after I picked him up on his first day. When he saw me, he immediately said, "I'm ready to go to Chuck E. Cheese now."

Baby Sister helped him celebrate.

Better not let Nathan see this picture. This is what goes on while he's at school. He hates for Baby Sister to sit in his chair, or touch anything that belongs to him for that matter.

We're proud of you, Nathan! You only have 15 more years to go, not counting college. Love, Lady and PawPaw