Sunday, April 11, 2010

Third Birthday Celebration

Nathan managed to celebrate his birthday over three consecutive days. I guess that's fitting considering he turned three years old. Maybe that should become a tradition to celebrate for as many days as our age. Sounds good to me.

Oma and Opa and Cousin Emily came out for a quick visit last week. Nathan had so much fun playing with Emily. They started their visit off by stopping by the squadron and hanging out. We were hoping to get to go out to see a B-1, but things didn't work out. It's too bad because Nathan was all dressed up and ready to take a jet out for a spin.
Instead, we just hung out at the squadron.
Nathan and Emily bellied up to the bar. Just what Jeff and Tanya want to see, their five year old daughter hanging out at the bar.
Opa and Kathryn also hanging out in the bar.
We couldn't go out to a jet, but I don't think the kids minded. They had fun just running around outside.
After a long road trip, Emily had a lot of energy to burn.
I think this was lap #20.
Playing outside was more fun than going out and seeing a jet.
Nathan had plenty of energy to burn, as well.
Nathan doesn't need a jet to fly.
Emily brought Kathryn a gift that was a huge hit with Nathan and Emily. Kathryn was very thankful for the tea set, as you can see.
Thank goodness Emily was there to help open presents because Nathan is the world's slowest gift-opener.
Nathan got another birthday cookie. Third trip to the cookie place in three days. They know Nathan at this point.
Kathryn snuggled in with Opa.
Kathryn was happy Emily visited.

Emily shared Kathryn with Oma for few minutes.
Oma and Opa and Emily stayed at the Grandstay, same place we lived during our house repairs, so we went swimming there.
Opa and Nathan.
Coloring together.
Oma and Opa surprised Nathan with a Big Wheels for his birthday.
Watching him ride that makes me wish I had one again.
Emily and Nathan enjoyed the semi-nice day. (Notice she's wearing short sleeves and Nathan is wearing a sweatshirt, jacket and hat.)
Nathan got out his F-150, too.
He and Emily took turns driving it up and down the sidewalk.
Opa gave Emily some driving lessons.
One of Nathan's favorite past times, drawing with sidewalk chalk.

1 comment:

  1. That flight suit is awesome! I love that you had a little name tage made for him.

    Love, Aunt Lexi
