Friday, July 23, 2010

Georgia on Nathan's Mind

We drove to Georgia to drop Mace off for a week. The drive didn't start off very smoothly. Nathan took his shoes off and threw one at Kathryn, just to be mean. She didn't take it in a mean way and was just appreciative of him sharing his shoes with her. Nathan's plan backfired as he had to sit and watch Kathryn play with his shoe for the next hour until we stopped for lunch. I got to listen to him whine about her playing with his shoe as he begged for me to get it away from her. Serves him right. Yay Baby Sister!

Nathan was more than happy to be back at Paw-Paw and Lady's house. He had a fun-filled two days. It was nice being able to throw all of our stuff we needed into one bag and hit the road for a quick trip.

Check out Nathan's new trike. He wanted to bring it with us to Georgia so he could show Paw-Paw and Lady.
Kathryn decided that she really loves Paw-Paw too. Nathan always seemed to need to jump on Paw-Paw and wrestle with him when he picked up Kathryn. Maybe it was just a coincidence, I don't know.
Lady and Nathan playing Ring Around the Rosie.

Here is Paw-Paw giving him a driving lesson.

Poor Nathan. As I was loading up the car to come home, he told me that he didn't want to leave. He said, "Paw-Paw likes me. I'm not going home." Then Paw-Paw tried telling him how great Alabama was and his response was, "I only like Georgia." He cried the whole way to the gas station right before we got to the interstate. He was so sad. I'm guessing we'll be seeing Paw-Paw and Lady again soon. Nathan is getting used to living so close to them. If he doesn't get to see them regularly now, he might just have a mental breakdown.


  1. PawPaw is closing in on Kathryn, just like he did Nathan, putting Kathryn under his spell. I have one more chance...Jessie. Lady

  2. I remember Nathan playing ring around the rosie at our Texas house and throwing himself on our lambskin rug. Only back then he would just scream "Ashes! Ashes!" and then down he'd go. I miss Nathan and I can't wait to hold little miss fat fat in my arms (if she'll let me). I can hardly wait to move to Pensacola within a few hours of Aunt Megan and cousins Nate and Kate, it's going to be great! Give those little cuties a kiss from Aunt Lexi.
