Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Settled In

I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll start with the present and work backwards. I don't usually like to go out of sequence, but I better do it that way while the present stuff is still fresh on my mind.

It's been a while, but we are finally settled in. All that is left on my "to do" list is to get some 20" rims for my Altima and I'll be good to go. Just kidding. I have more than that on my "to do" list.

We are all enjoying life down here. Especially Steve. He looks like he just stepped out of the shower every second of every day. He changes clothes at least three times a day because they get drenched with sweat just by engaging in the simplest of activities, like checking the mail.

This is a little bit of what's been going on here. Nathan is absolutely loving his new house and he reminds me about how we didn't like that old house in South Dakota. He's adjusted just fine so far, but we'll see how it goes when he starts yet another new school.

It is so hot here that the water from the hose never gets cold. It's seriously warmer than Nathan's bath water. It's not the best for cooling down in during the heat of the day, but Nathan doesn't seem to mind.

Kathryn, aka "Fat-Fat," is loving life as well. She's showered with attention everywhere she goes. It's usually people going nuts over how fat she is, but she doesn't seem to mind. Attention is attention when you're 7 months old. I took her to get her picture taken and when one woman saw her, she immediately gave her the nickname "Fat-Fat." People are always grabbing at her and asking if they can have her. It's great. Who doesn't love a fat, smiley baby?
Kathryn is old enough to be taking over Nathan's old toys now. She loves this little blue car as just as much as Nathan used to.
Nathan says, "Mommy, take my picture." Then when I get the camera he refuses to open his eyes.
Kathryn is learning to use a sippy cup with her brother's help.
Kathryn and Mace both LOVE biter biscuits.
Kathryn is the squirmiest baby ever.

Nathan "reads" this book to anyone who will listen. Often times, he "reads" it to Mace.

Nathan says, "Mommy, can I get in Baby Sister's cage too?"
It's controlled chaos here all day long. Nathan definitely keeps things interesting. Kathryn is getting to be a little firecracker now too.

Not quite ready to accept the fact that he has to share with Kathryn.

Watching Nathan and Kathryn is too funny now. He picks on her and she gets so mad. (You would think I would have a soft spot for her considering my experience with an older brother tormenting me. Poor girl.)
I wonder how many holes and dents in the walls we're going to have to patch up.
Mace is still living in Alabama. He's still within his trial period though.
Mace went from living the good life to living a dog's life. We make him eat dog food instead of McDoubles.
Sleeping in Nathan's doorway.
Best friends.... in Nathan's opinion anyway.
Lucky for me, Nathan thinks it's fun to carry Mace's poop after I clean it up. He's laughing about it shaking as he runs. You can hear him yelling, "It's shaking!"

Nathan jogs along side of Mace.
This is what happens when you run too fast.

A perk to living here is that Paw-Paw and Lady can come visit us all the time. [Read: We have babysitters to babysit all the time.] When Paw-Paw showed up in the driveway, I yelled, "Nathan your friend is here to play with you." Then Mace got excited and jumped all over Paw-Paw and ended up scratching his leg all up. No worries though. Nathan is a trained professional when in comes to administering first-aid. He's cleaning the scratch with hydrogen peroxide. "It fizzes up. Then it's all kween (clean) then it heals!" We go through this routine daily with Nathan.
Paw-Paw drove to Texas to meet Jessica and on the way there and back he stopped at our house.
Paw-Paw is going to have grandchild overload after this week. I really don't think he minds though. Paw-Paw and Lady, next time you come I promise I won't put you to work except for babysitting.
Nathan is responsible for getting himself dressed now, so this is usually the result of that. You've probably noticed the other pictures where he's walking around half-dressed as well.

Still fascinated by states.

More to come, but I'm exhausted now.


  1. Glad to see ya'll are pretty much settled into your new home. I'm sure Great Uncle Larry and Uncle Joe are happy that Nathan loves looking at and studying maps.....perhaps another navigator in the making???? Kathryn is such a cute little smiler.

    Aunt Ruth

  2. Love the pics of the new home! We were just wondering, when we saw the picture with Steve in the background, if he's going for new Southern-style facial hair....

    Looks like the kids are having a blast this summer!

  3. I was rolling with the "shaking Poop" video. I love it!

    Aunt Lexi

  4. I'm not sure what you mean by tormenting. All I remember is giving you tons of attention.

  5. Thank you for the pictures and videos.
    When did you say the next bar-b-que is scheduled? Love, Lady
