Nathan is planning lots of slumber parties with his new bed. He told me all the kids from his class that he was going to invite over, but I thought he was just pretending. Come to find out, he was serious. I walked in his class today and one little girl yelled to me, "Nathan wants me to come to his house." Then two other little boys yelled out, "He asked me to come to his house too!"
Nathan showed Paw-Paw his appreciation for bringing him his new bed by cuddling with him as they watched a movie.
It was 78 degrees on the day before Halloween. A velour snowman outfit isn't quite fitting, but apparently Daddy doesn't know that. This picture is funny because Baby Sister blends in with her chair.
Maybe Kathryn won't be wearing that snowman outfit anymore after eating mixed berries in it.
Playing in the few leaves that have fallen.
Hanging out in the backyard with Paw-Paw.
Daddy and Paw-Paw are determined to teach Kathryn to walk.
Lots of static electricity on the trampoline that day.
These pictures crack me up with her hair standing straight up.
Nathan's too.
Baby Sister is giving Nathan some serious competition when it comes to Paw-Paw's attention.
Another picture of Mace just because I love him.
By the way, the pink is in honor of Kathryn. Her birthday is this month, so I designed the blog with her favorite color of pink. How do I know it's her favorite color? Because I surround her in it and she doesn't even know other colors exist.
Nathan showed Paw-Paw his appreciation for bringing him his new bed by cuddling with him as they watched a movie.
Kathryn's face lights up when she sees PawPaw. Jessica is my last chance to be a favorite. Lady