Friday, January 28, 2011

Desk Duo

We don't usually play in Nathan's room, so this was a whole new experience. The kids usually play all over the rest of the house. Kathryn thought all these "new" toys were so interesting. Nathan even rediscovered some of his favorite toys from the past.
In case you're wondering about the safety goggles... We were playing with power tools then I kept them on her because they kept her hair out of her face.
Nothing phases this little girl.
Nathan is really kicking himself now for showing Kathryn his cool desk. She thinks it's hers now and gets mad when she sees Nathan sitting at it. I mean really mad (but in a funny way).
Kathryn colored with markers, mostly on herself
You can see Nathan waiting patiently for Kathryn to finish.
Kathryn finally decided she was finished, so it was Nathan's turn.
Then, of course, she got mad when she saw Nathan get on the stool. She no longer wanted it, but she didn't want him to have it either. I brought the stool that came with their kitchen in, so then it was both their turns. Problem solved.


  1. Looks like Kathryn is going to be left handed the way she is holding the crayon and marker.

  2. You're right when you say Kathryn isn't phased by anything. She didn't even care Nathan was drilling her. Lady
