I'm not being unfair with the uneven amount of pictures of Nathan and Kathryn. Kathryn was a grump the entire day so I didn't take many pictures of her. This is one of the few happy Kathryn pictures. She hates traveling and doesn't hesitate to let you know it.The park ranger invited Nathan over to show him some warheads and let him hold a canon ball.
Anything is fun as long as Nathan has pop.
Sitting on a canon.
Mad Kathryn on the canon.
We stayed at a bed and breakfast. We've never stayed at one before so we figured we would give it a try. We had the whole upstairs to ourselves.
Kathryn wanted to explore the house, so she was constantly mad when we were in our room. She stood at the door beating on it hoping to be let out.
Kathryn decided that she didn't want to sleep that night either. At least she stopped crying, but she replaced the crying with talking and rocking her pack and play across the wood floor while we tried sleeping. It takes a lot to get on Nathan's nerves, but he even got annoyed. Steve and I had to keep lifting his pillow while he slept to make sure he was getting fresh air.
Here's a little snippet of the drive home. Nathan knows all the facts and there is no arguing with him. Horse vs. Cow.
This family vacation is sure to be one that goes down in family history. That park is the new battleground of Kathryn against her family. We decided after this little getaway that on all future vacations we're getting Kathryn her own room, that is if we decide to invite her.
I'll take Kathryn's place on the historical vacations and she can stay with Aunt Lexi. I think they'd both be grateful to miss them.