Sixty years young is definitely worth celebrating. And when you leave the party planning up to Nathan you definitely won't be disappointed. Nathan threw a huge birthday bash for Paw-Paw's 60th birthday on Saturday. He has been talking about what all he wanted at the party. We had to have a cake with Paw-Paw's picture on it, birthday hats, balloons, candles and square dancing. Yes, square dancing. We came through for everything except the square dancing. It was so packed full of other fun activities that Nathan didn't even notice we didn't square dance. (He saw square dancing on a cartoon.)
As soon as the Florida family arrived Nathan and Jessica bonded.

Also as soon as the Florida family arrived, Lady forgot all about Kathryn. Notice her way in the background sitting in the corner.

Still no Kathryn anywhere in sight. I guess that's to be expected as the middle grandchild, though. I'm just kidding, Lady. I know she's getting all worked up at this point!

Hands down, Mace was Jessica's favorite part of the entire weekend.

We had perfect party weather. We spent the entire day outside.

Soaking up the sun.

Soaking up the shade.

Nathan invited his girlfriend, Ray-Ray, to the party.

Reagan came with her mommy and daddy, "Norm" and Shelly. Norm dressed up extra special in honor of Paw-Paw's big 60th birthday.

Perfect weather for lounging in the sun.

Kathryn giving someone the "slant eye."

Mace got more attention than any dog could ask for all weekend. Definitely more than he hoped for from Kathryn.

And way more attention than he needed from Jessica!

By this point you're probably wondering whose blog you're looking at. Apparently I took way more pictures of Jessica than I did of my own kids.

I guess that's because she had a permanent smile on her face the entire time.

Nathan played on the trampoline with Jessica.

One thing you can always count of when Uncle Joe visits is an argument over whose Disney thermos that is. It was Uncle Joe's when he was a kid and now Lady gave it to Nathan. Uncle Joe knows exactly which buttons to push to get a reaction out of Nathan.

Uncle Joe lives to pick on Nathan.

I like to borrow Reagan to cuddle with. Both of my kids are already too grown up to cuddle with their mommy.

This wasn't your everyday backyard game of cornhole (aka bean bag toss). Steve made a double elimination bracket for each team involved, Old School Haggerty, New School Haggerty, Meissner, and Norman. Those Haggertys were tough competition!

Uncle Joe practicing for the cornhole (bean bag toss) tournament. Apparently I should have practiced too because I sucked really bad that day. I'm sticking to my story about how good I usually am though.

Nathan was the official beer holder during the tournament.

Mace and I were spectators during the Old School Haggerty and Norman match.

Here's an action shot of Paw-Paw.

This game looks boring, but once you play it, it becomes so addicting. Especially in a tournament setting against family members. Surprisingly, Lady becomes quite the smack talker in a competitive atmosphere. I guess when you're that good you can.

Joe and Steve.

Kathryn and the birthday boy.

We didn't have time to play the final round to see who the ultimate champions are. We'll have to wait until Joe and Lexi come back to see who wins since they're left to play the Normans in the cornhole championship.
We had to go inside for some indoor partying. Nathan was finally allowed to open Paw-Paw's birthday present that he's been asking to open for the past month.

Then he was shown up by Jessica and Kathryn fighting over Kathryn's shoe.

This was the part Nathan was most excited about. He been bragging about his ability to blow out candles for a week. He was making sure he won the job of blowing out the candles.

Paw-Paw and his party planner.

Nathan requested a cake with a picture of Paw-Paw on it. I took the easy way out and just stuck a laminated picture of Paw-Paw on the cake. Nathan let it slide at the time, but as we went to bed Sunday night we were talking about all the fun we had. He mentioned, "You're not supposed to put plastic pictures on cakes. Only pictures made out of frosting." He definitely made sure I know exactly what to do when April rolls around.

Kathryn helped Lady serve the cake.

Guess who took celebrating Paw-Paw's 60th birthday party more seriously than anyone else. Here is Steve at midnight, just as the party was coming to an end. A good time was definitely had by everyone! Happy Birthday Paw-Paw!