Monday, February 21, 2011

Grand Getaway

I don't know what Nathan and Kathryn are going to do once June rolls around. They've gotten pretty used to having Paw-Paw and Lady around regularly. So have I. I hand off all parenting responsibilities to them and take a long break! Kathryn came back from this trip saying, "Yaaaaaa-dy" (Lady). She really needs to learn to walk full time.
The knees on all her pants are getting worn out.
Soaking in the sun.
On the way to Paw-Paw and Lady's house, Nathan came up with the idea to get a dog for our house like Paw-Paw and Lady. Then, without any prompting from me, he said we should get a dog just like Mace so we can have two Maces. That sounds like the best idea I've ever heard.
Nathan requested sunglasses for riding.
He said the glasses keep the sun and bugs out of his eyes.
This is what you get when you ask him to smile.
Nathan and Kathryn charmed Great Grandma Gerken.
Kathryn found the bobbles. I'm hoping she doesn't become obsessed with them like Nathan did when he was young.Best friends forever.

1 comment:

  1. You're right about PawPaw and Nathan being the best of friends.
