Friday, June 4, 2010

Geography Guru

When we found out we were moving to Alabama, I showed Nathan where it was on the map. I didn't expect for him to really pick up on it and take such an interest in it, but he did. He just kept wanting to know more and more. We play a game with his airplanes where I call out a state and he flies to it. He is going to follow in Uncle Joe's footsteps and sit on his bed and study maps all night long just for fun.

You only get to see his hand in this video because he refused to put his pajamas on after his bath. He enjoys nudity as much as he enjoys geography.


  1. What a smartie-pants! (Although I think he's biased towards southern states; Steve- start working on him!)

  2. Wow, that's amazing! The next thing you know, he'll be telling you the capital of each state.

  3. I bought him a big world map and a U.S. map for his bedroom wall. You'll be jealous when you see them.
