Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Moving Day: Part 2

Our days in South Dakota have come to a close. Now it's on to our next adventure. Nathan is super-hyped about moving to Alabama, so that makes it exciting for us too.

We're all glad to be out of disgusting, filthy TLF. Baby Sister is behind on her crawling and sitting up because I refused to let her spend any time on the floor. Even with a layer of blankets on the floor, I wasn't about to let her go near that surface.

This is how we kept ourselves entertained while living in TLF. Never a dull moment.
Baby Sister participates in all sorts of activities.

Paw-Paw flew up to Rapid City to help me fly the kids down to Georgia until Steve is able to move down. He was the lucky one who got to sleep with Nathan. That is a typical sleep position for him. He has absolutely no regard for anyone else in the bed, or for any edge of the mattress for that matter, hence the couch cushions as bedrails.

While he was there, we hit some of the highlights one last time.
Baby Sister even got to participate in the fun.
She might become a playground critic like her brother.
We went to the park with the big tree with a hole in it. Nathan and Paw-Paw took turns "falling" in the tree and helping each other out.
Nathan refused to accept no for an answer on golfing.
Golfing buddies.

Happy sister.
We showed Paw-Paw the awesome playground.

As we drove off base for the last time, we did a quick loop around the Air and Space Museum. When Steve moves away who is going to be responsible for opening and closing the gates to the museum everyday? Somehow, Nathan got it in his head that that was part of Steve's responsibilty.

As we were waiting at our gate at the airport, I noticed a familiar looking guy walking up to where we were sitting. Steve surprised us with a gate pass so he could hang out with us until we left. I put him right to work.
As usual, both kids were perfect little travelers.

And that's it. We are officially done with South Dakota.


  1. Glad to have you back in the South. Although SD did bring us two super kiddos. Now it is on to new adventures. Lots of new playgrounds to explore and floors to crawl around.

    Aunt Ruth

  2. Yay! No more SD!!! I feel excited for you and I didn't even have to live there for the past couple years. BTW thanks for helping us get rid of that house... I don't want to have any ties to that place either.

    Love, Aunt Lexi
