Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last Day of School

Last Friday was Nathan's last day of school. We celebrated with picnic on the playground. I thought and thought about what I could bring so that I didn't look like the bad mother that I am who feeds her child things like [gasp] Lunchables. I wanted something easy and I don't exactly have access to a fully stocked kitchen. I gave up and picked up a Lunchable for him because, let's face it, I'm never going to be as good a parent as all the minivan moms. In case you didn't know, your parenting skills are directly correlated with your minivan. As I expected, a minivan mom made sure to point out that the fruit snacks she was giving her son were the healthy kind. Give me a break. That's when I was glad to pull out Nathan's chips and nacho cheese Lunchable. What kind of world do I live in now? Lunchables are taboo. I'm glad they never saw the bag of McDonald's that I picked up for lunch on my way to pick him up all those days!
These lovebirds shared the chips and cheese dip. She had some chips packed in her lunch too, but she preferred Nathan's.
Kathryn was a hit with Nathan's class.
Ms. Trina was sad to have to say good-bye to Nathan. He has a way of melting people's hearts. He also has a way of melting his hair off with that hat in the summer heat.
I've begun searching for another school for Nathan in Alabama. Contrary to popular belief, there are schools and people do attend them in Alabama.

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