Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mall Rats

Kathryn went with Lady and me on a shopping trip. Well, Kathryn and I just watched as Lady went nuts in the Coach store. She finally decided on a couple of bags and called it good. Meanwhile, Kathryn was entertaining everyone in the store with her sweet smiles and spitting.

Kathryn faired pretty well that day. She got some new onesies and these hot shades.

Taking Nathan shopping is a totally different experience. His idea of a trip to the mall includes everything except going in stores and purchasing stuff (playgrounds, food courts, vending machines, jogging, climbing). His light-up Reeboks are finally getting a bit snug, so we went out in hopes of finding him some new shoes. Knowing he's not really down with shopping, especially shoe shopping, Paw-Paw went along and hung out at the playground while Baby Sister and I found him some shoes.

When we got back up there, I showed Nathan his shoes and he said he didn't like them and told me to take them back. Then he told me all about the train that he and Paw-Paw rode around the mall.

Of course, Nathan saw me as another opportunity for a train ride. If he buys one more ride his next one is free. Not bad for a day's work.

Nathan gets hooked on one pair of shoes at a time. His light-up Atlanta Braves Reeboks have been his all-occasion shoe for the past year. (Remember how he refused to wear his green Crocs at school even just as indoor shoes? There was a Crocs store as soon as we walked in the mall, so I started steering my Cadillac-length double stroller in that direction and told Nathan he was getting some shoes from there. He immediately started his argument on why we didn't need to go in that store.)

He finally decided to give these shoes a try after I told him that if I take the shoes back to the store, I have to return the box also. He had already begun stuffing his crayons in the box and didn't really want to have to give up such a great addition to his toy collection. Considering the fact that if Nathan chooses these shoes as his "it" shoes, maybe I should have went with a more neutral color scheme. Who's to say neon green doesn't go with everything, though?

This is sort of out of the blue, but I thought I should share my insight with the rest of the world, or in the very least, the five people who look at this blog. I figured out why guys wear their pants around their thighs. Nathan does the same thing sometimes. After going pee-pee, he sometimes has a hard time pulling his pants up all the way, so that's as far as they get. And just think, all this time I was just thinking those guys were thugs. Silly me.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I thought nothing would ever compare to the cuteness of baby Nathan... Toddler Nathan talking his little head off sure comes close. I can't believe how fast he is growing up.

    Aunt Lexi
