As I mentioned, Kathryn was sick so she didn't get to go with us to Destin Commons for trick-or-treating Saturday night. Nate made quite an impression as he walked down the street dressed as Ringo Starr. Well, he made an impression on everyone in Paw-Paw and Lady's age range. People actually knew he was a Beatle. They asked which one and he proudly told them he was Ringo Starr and that he plays the drums too. He doesn't really play the drums unless you count the little plastic drum he got when he was 18 months old.
Despite the fact that he was going to get a bunch of candy from trick-or-treating, he still asked for a cookie. He can't go to Destin Commons without getting a cookie and I couldn't tell this cute little Ringo Starr no.
They had fireworks to kick off the Halloween celebration.
Ringo walking around begging for candy. (That's just some random girl beside him. Probably a groupie.)
Ringo Starr and Cinderella.

More Halloween celebrating tonight at the Orangefest. Kathryn is feeling better so she gets to get in on the costumes and celebrating too.