Monday, October 10, 2011

A Niceville Visit

Nathan and Kathryn gladly hosted a weekend of fun with Aunt Lexi and Jessica while Uncle Joe and Paw-Paw took a boys' trip to NYC. Lexi thought it might be a good idea to have people around her considering the fact that she's super pregnant and about to pop any minute. I think the best part about their trip in Nathan's opinion was getting to ride in their minivan.
My cars just don't compare to a minivan with automatic doors and row after row of seating. Nathan might join in the praises of minivans with the other moms at soccer now.

And we definitely can't compete with a minivan with a DVD player. My kids really got a kick out the luxurious ride Jessica takes for granted everyday.

A trip to the grocery store.
I thought Destin Commons would be a nice break for Lexi, but it turns out it wasn't. Jessica was the only kid on the playground trying her hardest to escape. (Far right.)
Again, Jessica trying to escape while her pregnant mommy chased her.
Nathan thought that Jessica and Lexi would like to check out The Track.
So sweet of him... always thinking about other people's enjoyment.
The spinny things were Jessica's favorite.

Jessica rode the airplanes with Nathan.
There isn't a very secure strap keeping them in. If Jessica decided to jump out she would have easily been able to. We instructed Nathan to keep a hold of her and to not let her loose for any reason. He can definitely be counted on. He had his arm around her so tightly!
Nathan decided he would rather ride the airplanes again while Jessica rode the train. He assured me the backseat was a good place to ride too.
Then we got the riding toys out.
Kathryn drove Jessica around in her new hand-me-down F-150. She doesn't have steering down yet, but she knows how to push the pedal.

Aunt Lexi and Jessica sitting on the front porch enjoying the beautiful weather.
Nate got the camera.
As Nate was taking pictures he got a picture of me getting on to Boomba for walking through our sandy yard. Steve is getting the yard ready to sod that's why it looks like it does.

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