Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Beatles Mania

All these local outings have been fun, but not quite fun enough. Nathan came up with a better and more exciting idea... he would like to go visit Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr sometime soon. He really would like go sing with them on stage. Then he wants to figure out a way to bring John Lennon and George Harrison back to life. I know this story seems really off the wall and made up, but it's completely true. Paw-Paw introduced The Beatles to Nate so we have some serious Beatles Mania going on here.

A few weeks ago Nate was at school working on a worksheet at the table and singing "Hey Jude" to himself. His teacher went over and asked him if he liked The Beatles so that sparked a whole conversation and they sang some of it together. Then his teacher had to explain to the rest of the class about a band called "The Beatles" because none of the other 4 and 5 year olds knew what they were talking about.

Against Lady's wishes, Ringo is Nate's favorite. She's trying to convince Nate that his fave should be Paul. He's not biting though. He wants to learn to play the drums like Ringo. He likes Ringo so much that he has requested to be Ringo Starr for Halloween. Here he is getting his Beatles fix before school.
If you don't get anything else from this video you'll at least get a craving for brownies.
And then we have Boomba...
She's not into riding in a stroller anymore... which sucks. She walks from store to store, but takes her shoes off when she gets inside the store. Every store, every time. She was dancing barefoot in Saks while I perused the Juicy sale rack. That's what we do while Nate is in school.

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